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We start with video of Vince claiming that Austin will turn on the Alliance, only to recieve a Stunner. Then we cut to SmackDown, when all the Alliance put their trust in Austin, except for Tazz. Finally, we remind ourselves of Angle telling Austin to 'shove it', only to recieve a Stunner later in the night.
The video rolls and the pyros blare, and LIVE from Boston, the last Raw before Survivor Series starts now!
Kurt Angle Interview
-"Medal" plays and the US Champion in more ways than one makes his way to the ring. Angle has a little story to tell us, and he hopes Stone Cold is listening. There was once a group of extraordinarily talented guys who had a change to win it all, but they blew it due to infighting and lack of leadership. What was once a group that had everything became a bunch of losers with nothing. Of course he's talking about the 2001 Boston Red Sox. And when Austin Stunnered Angle last Thursday, it was like when Pedro and Nomar refused to play because of so-called "injuries". Angle tells Austin that they better win at Survivor Series. The Red Sox can lose year after year, because they always have next season. But if they don't win this Sunday, it's all over, and Angle isn't ready for his career to end. So Angle wants Austin to come out here right now to appologize for Stunnering him last Thursday.
Edge vs. Kurt Angle
-Instead, the fire extinguishers spray and Rob Zombie plays (taped, mind you), and Edge comes down. He says that he's not Austin and he's not here to appologize. He's here to tell Angle that he's a selfish bastard. Angle had the support of the fans, the wrestlers and his country, but he through it all away. Angle may be red, white, and blue, but mostly, he's yellow. And for all those in the back that he screwed, Edge wants a US Title shot right now. Angle says that he taught Edge everything he knows, "you ungrateful, snot-nosed bastard". So if Edge wants a Title shot, let's go. A ref runs down and the match gets underway. Angle brings Edge to the mat and works some amateur moves, but gets up to celebrate a bit to early. Edge takes him down with a hiptoss and stomps on him. Edge with a monkey flip to Angle and then locks in an armbar. Angle fights up and flips Edge over, but Edge bridges up to keep from being pinned. Edge looks for the Buzzkiller, but Angle flips out, only to be brought down with the Edgececutioner 1-2-shoulder up! Angle steadies himself on the ropes as he gets up. Edge runs at him, but Angle hits a belly-belly, sending Edge over the top to the floor. Angle pulls Edge back in and pins 1-2-on the ropes. Stomps in the corner by Angle, but Edge hits a clothesline to stop Angle's momentum. Fireman's carry by Angle, into a sleeper. Edge rallies up and punches Angle to break the hold, then Big Boots Angle. Edge leaps from the second rope, but Angle catches him and gives him another belly-belly. Angle goes up top and misses the moonsault. Clothesline by Edge, then another, then a spinning heel kick. Edge looks for the Buzzkiller, but Angle reverses, looking for the Angle Slam, but Edge floats over and pulls Angle down 1-2-kickout. Angle looks for a spinebuster, but Edge flips behind the back and rolls Angle up 1-2-kickout. Angle hops up and hits the Olympic Slam, but he doesn't pin. He walks over for the Angle Lock, when BOOM! Kane's pyro explodes and the organ blares! Angle looks for Kane, but no one is there to be found. The lights finally come back on, and when the do, Edge hits the Spear on Angle 1-2-3! Edge is the New WCW US Champ! Kane runs in as Edge leaves, locking in the Ankle Lock on Angle, who taps out furiously. Stevie Richards and Tommy Dreamer run down to break it up, but get chokeslams for their interference, allowing Angle to escape any more harm. Fade Out.
In the back, Michael Cole asks Tazz about the non-title match tonight. Tazz says that this isn't about the WWF Title. For four months Tazz has taken Austin's abuse. And so if Austin is jumping ship at Survivor Series, then Tazz will probably be out of a job. So he wants one chance to go out, having kicked Austin's ass. He's dangerous, because he's got nothing left to lose.
Booker T & Test vs. Hardy Boyz
-In the arena, Booker and Test come out, set to defend their WWF Tag Titles. The Hardys come out, as well as Lita. Booker and Test immediately attack the Hardys, tossing Matt out of the ring and double teaming on Jeff. Booker and Jeff start out, with Booker hitting a reverse thrust kick and tagging in Test. Elbows in the corner by Test, then a knee and a gutwrench powerbomb 1-2-kickout. Jeff ducks the Big Boot and hits a jawbreaker on Test. He crawls towards his corner, but Test grabs him. Spinning mule kick to Test and a tag to Matt. Tag to Booker. Tornado DDT to Booker. Matt goes second rope and hits the leg drop 1-2-broken by Test. Jeff pulls Test outside and whips him into the the stairs. Inside, Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Booker. Jeff comes back inside and hits the Swanton, but by this time, Test has stirred and Big Boots Matt to the outside. As the ref yells at Test and Matt, Booker hits the Scissor Kick on Jeff and covers, but there's no one to count. Lita goes up top and hits the HurricanLita on Booker. The ref turns as Jeff rolls Booker up 1-2-3! The Hardys are the New WWF Tag Champs! Fade Out.
In the back, Vince is greeted by Chavo and Hugh Morrus. Chavo says that if the WWF wins at Survivor Series, they'll be out of a job. So they're here to ask for a job. Vince says that they're kind of like rats, deserting a sinking ship. Or maybe they want to follow Austin to the WWF? They ask if that's true, but Vince simply says that at Survivor Series, we'll all find out together. But no, they can't have a job.
Tazz vs. Steve Austin
-In the arena, the heartbeat pulses and Tazz makes his way into the ring. The glass breaks, and the WWF Champion comes down for this Non-Title match. Austin rolls in the ring and Tazz immediately attacks him. Austin, in street clothes, is stuck in the corner, with Tazz pounding away. Clothesline by Tazz. Austin gets up, only to be locked into the Tazzmission! Austin kicks his leg back, hitting Tazz below the waist. Tazz breaks the hold and doubles over in pain, allowing Austin to hit the Stunner 1-2-3! Austin beats on Tazz afterwards, until Shane'O comes out and yells at Austin to stop beating on a fellow Alliance member. And speaking of the Alliance, they're all in the back, waiting for Austin, so he better get his ass back there... Fade Out.
In the back, Steph tells the Alliance that htis hasn't been a very good night so far. And before Shane and Austin get back, she has business to attend to. SHe calls up Chavo and Morrus. Regal tells them that they're fired, and Steph sends them out. If anyone else wants to jump ship, they better do it now. Shane and Austin come in, and Austin is immediately confronted by Angle. They get into a verbal scuffle about Stunners, but Shane pushes them away and tells Angle that he's responsable for one of their Title losses tonight. Shane tells Austin that he needs to leave Angle alone and get in Rock's face, because they'll need to stop him on Sunday. He says that Vince has done a masterful job at making them think someone is leaving at Survivor Series. Shane tells them that if they don't win, they'll have to get on their knees and beg for a job. Do they want that? Shane breaks up a little Booker/RVD skirmish and reminds them that he and Steph have put everything into this Alliance, and if they don't pull it together and win on Sunday, Shane will see all of them in hell. He storms out, and the lockerroom goes back to infighting. Fade Out.
Dudley Boyz vs. Scotty Too Hotty & Albert
-The D-Bombs drop, and out come the Dudleys and Stacy. The WWF's latest tag team comes out, and it appears Scotty Too Hotty and Albert Too Hairy are getting a Title match in their second match together. The Dudleys immediately attack, but Scotty and Albert use their finesse to toss both Dudleys outside. Stacy comes in the ring and tries to flirt with Scotty, but Albert sneaks up behind her and pulls her pants down. She tries to get out of the ring, but before she can, Scotty and Albert do their hop and go for the Double Worm, but the Dudleys pull her out before she can get hit, and they leave the ring.
In the back, Vince asks Jericho why he beat the hell out of the Rock with a chair. Jericho says that he's sick of the People's Elbow, the People's Eyebrow, and just the People. Well Vince is sick of arrogant, petulant young stars. Jericho can beat the hell out of Rock, as long as it's after Survivor Series. But if they don't work together and win the 5-on-5 match, there won't be a job for him to come back to after Survivor Series. So Jericho had better learn to get along with Rock until then, or else. Jericho looks at Vince and wonders out loud just what "or else" might entail. Fade Out.
In the back, Regal is warming up for his match tonight against the Rock, when Christian enters. Regal says that he's been getting lots of calls about how great a European Champion Christian has been. So great that he deserves a reward: a non-Title match against The Big Show! Christian spits out his tea in disbelief, but Regal whispers something to Christian that makes him feel a lot better.
Undertaker vs. Rob Van Dam
-In the arena, Taker rides down to the ring. RVD comes out, and this match will be for the Hardcore Title. Taker gets in some shots, but RVD quickly backs him into the corner and gets in his kicks. He poses for the crowd, allowing Taker to regain control and punch away. Big Boot by RVD, then a flapjack into the turnbuckle. RVD clotheslines Taker over the top and baseball slides into him. RVD leaps off the apron, but Taker catches him and rams him into the ringpost. RVD backs up the ramp, but Taker catches him and brings him up to the stage. Taker goes for a Big Boot, but RVD ducks and Taker gets caught in the Raw set-up. Spinning heel kick by RVD, who climbs the set-up and stands on the the lower edge of the TitanTron. Flying Crossbody by RVD! RVD needs a little time to regain himself, and by that time he can only get a 1-2-shoulder up! RVD punches Taker over to the edge of the stage, but Taker back elbows him away. Headbutt by Taker, but RVD fires back, only to be uppercut by Taker. Taker rams RVD's head into the set-up and looks for a chokeslam, but RVD kicks out of the hold. Taker lifts RVD up for what looks to be a Last Ride off the stage, but Booker T comes out and punches Taker in the kidneys. Booker and RVD pound on Taker back down at ringside. In the ring, Taker is able to clothesline both Alliance members. Clothesline to RVD. Clothesline to Booker. Taker drops RVD on the turnbuckle and then Big Boots him out of the ring, but this allows Booker to Boot Taker to the mat. Booker goes up top, but Taker pushes Tim White into the ropes, 'buckling Booker. Taker goes up with Booker and Superplexes him down. Meanwhile, RVD leaps up top and hits the Five Star on the prone Undertaker 1-2-3!
In the back, Rock bursts into Vince's room and asks if Vince wanted to see him. Vince says that he can't understate the importance of he and Jericho being on the same page at Survivor Series. Vince says that he spoke to Jericho and thinks that Jericho understands. Rock asks what Jericho said. Vince tells him that Jericho said that he was sick of the People's Eyebrow, the People's Elbow, and...The People. Vince says that what is on the line at Survivor Series is more important that any personal feud. He knows he can count on Rock. Rock seems to misunderstand and goes off on Vince for somehow implying that Rock might let down the WWF, the wrestlers, and the People. No, Rock will go into Survivor Series, lead the WWF down and whip all those Alliance candy asses. But let's talk about Chris Jericho. He's sick of the Eyebrow? No Problem. Sick of the Elbow? No Problem. Sick of the People? Big Problem. Jericho is a Canadian moose hunting, Twisted Sister wannabe, little bitch. And for his comments on the People, he bought himself an ass-whooping. Fade Out.
Mick Foley Interview
-The cars come to a screeching halt, and the already forgotten WWF Commissioner makes his way down to the ring. Foley has a lot to say and a short amount of time to say it in. Survivor Series involves Mick as well. He knows that if the Alliance wins, he's out of a job. He knows that if the WWF wins, he's out of a job. You see, Vince is up here, and Mick is down here. He has a long list of things he wants to do with his life, and answering to Vince is not one of them. Even if the WWF wins at Survivor Series, Vince can have Foley's job. But Vince needs to remember this: he can take Foley's job, but he can't take his pride. Vince can't take away the memories of his Title win. Mick still has that mildewy, beer-stained belt smell at his house. You see, that was back when having a Title belt actually meant something. Now we've got US Champions and European Champions and so on. It seems like if you don't have a belt, you're in the minority around here. You may wonder why we haven't seen Mick around much lately. Well, he showed up in Long Island and was told that he "wasn't needed". God forbid they want to entertain the fans. Same thing happened on Thursday. Foley wasn't needed, just like all these damned Titles aren't needed. Thus, at Survivor Series, Edge will take on Test in a US/IC Title Unification Match. The Dudleys and the Hardys will face each other in a steel cage, in a Title Unification Match. He would unify the Cruiserweight and Light Heavyweight belts, but apparently X-Pac is missing-in-action, and William Regal wants to face Tajiri anyway. Speaking of Regal, Foley lets us know that all of these matches were made with Regal's knowledge and approval, because he too is sick of meaningless Titles. Fade Out.
Christian vs. Big Show
-Christian baseball slides Show when he tries to enter, but Show pulls him out and press slams him back into the ring. The bell rings, as Show manhandles Christian to the mat. Bearhug by Show, but Christian gets in a Big Boot. Show presses Christian up, but Christian drops down and locks in a sleeper. Show pulls Christian down and tosses him out of the ring. DDP runs down and distracts Show while Christian gets a chair. DDP gets knocked off the apron, and then Show turns around and punches the chair into Christian's face 1-2-3! The Dudleys run down with a table, but Show pushes him away. DDP tries to sneak up on Show, but Show catches him. Low blow by Christian, allowing DDP to hit the Diamond Cutter. The Dudleys grab the table and smack Show with it, breaking the table around his head. Finally the Acolytes run down to break up the four-on-one. Fade Out.
We come back to video of a Rob Zombie concert from two weeks ago when then-IC Champ Edge came out on stage and rocked out to "Never Gonna Stop".
In the back, Chris Jericho walked in on Rock and asked if Rock really called him a "punk-ass bitch". Rock asks if Jericho really said that he was "sick of the People". Taker bursts in, followed by Kane. It appears to Taker that RVD and Booker T were on the same page, but he's not sure about the three of them. He's been around too long to lose his job because of a couple of kids had their heads up their asses. They're a team, and they better start acting like it. They all say they agree, but when Taker and Kane leave, Jericho wishes Rock luck in his match and says that after the match, he may just come down and "show his support". Fade Out.
William Regal vs. Rock
-Regal attacks Rock as he attempts to get in the ring, ramming him against the security barrier and then smashing him into the apron. They get in the ring and the bell sounds the start of the match. Flying forearm by Rock, but Regal elbows him down 1-2-shoulder up 1-2-shoulder up 1-shoulder up. Elbows by Regal, but Rock fights back, only to be kneed down 1-2-kickout. Regal locks in a sleeper, but Rock uses The People to gain enough strength to fight out. Overhead throw by Rock, then a DDT 1-2-kickout. Regal tosses Rock over the top and goes after him. Regal smashes Rock's head into the apron and rolls him back in. Tajiri runs down and spins Regal around. Green Mist! Tajiri rolls Regal into the ring where he stumbles into a spinebuster. Rock locks in the SharpShooter and Regal taps out! Rock tells them to cut his music. Rock knows that there is someone in the back who hates The Rock, who is ready to whoop The Rock's ass anytime. So Stone Cold Steve Austin, just bring it!
We cut to the back, where it appears Austin is going to take Rock up on the offer. Fade Out.
Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin
-We come back just as Stone Cold is making his way into the ring. The two men, the WWF Champion and the WCW Champion, stand toe-to-toe. Rock says that he has not forgotten about WrestleMania, or the next night on Raw, or earlier tonight when Austin was running his mouth. And now with all this talk about someone coming to the WWF. Rock hopes Austin does, so that Austin still has a job, allowing Rock to get in that final ass-whooping. Not only will Rock whoop Austin's ass, but beat him for the WWF Title. Another thing the Rock will never forget: "Finally, The Rock, has c--" Austin steals the mic from Austin in mid catchphrase. Austin starts his own version of the phrase, but Rock takes the mic back from him. He tries for his catchphrase again, and again Austin steals the mic. Austin goes for his mock version, and Rock takes the mic again. Rock tells Austin that he shouldn't try to come down here and say what The Rock says. Rock starts mocking Austin's "What?", but Austin steals the mic and shows him how it's down. After a good twenty What?'s, Austin goes for "And That's The Bottom Line", but Rock takes the mic. He goes back to his diatribe about not stealing catchphrases, but again Austin takes the mic. Rock takes it right back and tells Austin that his breath smells a lot like strudel. Well, no, it smells like a big steaming piece of dog turd. Austin takes the mic and asks if insults like that make Rock feel good, if it makes him feel special. Austin says that he doesn't have a beer belly, he has a fueltank for his ass-whooping machine. But that would be the easy thing to do. But Austin has found that a nice little song might do best to ease the tension between the two of them. Remember the band Boston? Well Austin doesn't know any of their stuff, so he'll sing a song Austin's dad used to sing to him. Austin sings Rock a little ditty about faded roses and mansions in the sky. Rock appreciates Austin's attempt at entertainment, so why doesn't Rock sing a little song for Austin. Austin likes that country music, so why not try this one. Rock sings "You Gotta Know When To Hold 'Em" for Austin. Austin says that didn't make him feel any better. So Rock suggests they sing a duet. Austin starts singing "Margaritaville" and they get together for the chorus. Austin switches it up, with some people saying that Rocky is to blame, but Rock joins in on the fun, saying that everyone knows that it's Stone Cold's fault. They lift hands in the air, but Rock tells Austin that he will never forget WrestleMania. With that, he Rock Bottoms his new-found friend. Angle runs down and takes out Rock. Double team on Rock, but Jericho runs down with his chair. Jericho takes out Angle and Rock takes out Austin. Rock looks at Jericho, but Jericho nods at him assuringly, and they turn to force Angle and Austin up the ramp. End Show.